Business conference "Handmade Biz Summit"

16 august 2022r.

Do you run a business based on handicrafts?

Do you dream that your passion will finally start to bring a steady income?

Take part in the first business conference for the handicraft industry in Poland and take your business to the next level!

We have 5 days ahead of us filled with meetings with craftsmen and experts from and outside the handmade industry, who will share their business knowledge and experience.

over 25 guests, 5 days, 4 substantive blocks and a lot of knowledge and experience of practitioners given in a condensed form of Video-interviews.

Each day is a separate issue that will be discussed in 3 thematic blocks. We will discuss the following issues:

sale of handicrafts

online handmade business

handicraft workshops

and that's not all! A detailed schedule and a list of speakers will be announced soon.

The conference will be held in an online format, so you can use it from anywhere in the world, on your favorite device.

Your investment? Exclusion of time and willingness - participation in a live conference (5-9 September 2022) is free of charge.

For those interested, it will also be possible to buy annual access to the recordings to return to them at any time.

Sign up today!


Agnieszka Gaczkowska

& Oplotki Team