Tying meat – which strings to choose?

30 october 2023r.

Tying meat has several advantages. The first is to give it the perfect shape. The second is the ability to turn it while baking without the risk of it falling apart. But how to choose the perfect meat twine? You will learn from our article: Which meat ropes should you choose? Additionally, we will tell you how to tie the meat step by step.

Why use meat twine?

Tying the ham is one of the elements of the traditional technique of preparing this type of meat. It is supposed to maintain its proper shape and compact texture during cooking or smoking, and the appropriate string helps maintain the uniformity of the meat, but not only that. Additionally, the string for cold cuts helps to improve the appearance of ham or bacon - it maintains its perfect shape for longer, which is very important when displayed in a store or on a table.
Choosing the right string is, according to many people, not the easiest task. The string for cold cuts should be stronger and more resistant to high temperatures, and it should also be made of natural materials, e.g. high-quality cotton or linen.

Types of meat strings

When looking for an answer to the question of how to tie bacon, it is worth taking a closer look at the individual types and uses of meat threads. The most popular types of meat strings include:

  • cotton threads – the most durable types available; are made of the highest quality cotton yarn. Tying the meat with cotton string does not affect its taste. They are available in several different colors, including: natural white;
  • linen threads – have different thicknesses from TEX 350 to 1600; most often light brown and made of high-quality linen yarns;
  • viscose threads – made of viscose silk; they have different thicknesses and are resistant to moisture and tearing;
  • galettes - made of cotton or linen, they are characterized by the highest durability thanks to the double twist method.

Uses of meat ropes

Both kitchen thread and meat twine have many uses. The most important and popular are:

  • maintaining the shape of the meat - tying the meat helps ensure that the meat does not fall apart during cooking or baking;
  • even cooking or smoking - tying meat for baking or cooking prevents e.g. ham from undercooking;
  • binding the filling - meat thread prevents the stuffing from falling out;
  • keeping ingredients together - perfect for cooking meats with a mixture of herbs;
  • smoking and drying - tying the meat for smoking helps to hang it in the right place, allowing air and smoke to flow around the entire piece;
  • the appearance of meat on the plate - lacing the ham can also improve its appearance on the plate, making bacon or ham on the home table look like it came from a professional kitchen;
  • maintaining aromatic ingredients - in some recipes, the meat is surrounded by, among others, bay leaves, citrus peel, herbs, etc.

How to tie meat for smoking?

How to tie meat for smoking? – this is another question asked by many lovers of delicious meat. The first step is to make a loop and put it around the meat. Then you need to pull it tight and pass the meat thread under the piece of meat. The third step is to interlace the string to create a tie. This is repeated as many times as necessary to tie the entire piece of ham, bacon or other meat. Then turn the prepared piece over and repeat all steps. It is worth remembering that tying ham for smoking at home may require some skill, and the home smokehouse must be properly prepared. However, when preparing meat for baking or cooking, remember to choose the appropriate pot or heat-resistant dish.

The described method of tying the ham is one of the easiest, but it is worth remembering that the choice of appropriate threads is of great importance, thanks to which the meat will have the perfect shape. The best threads are those made of natural materials, such as linen or cotton. For a beginner butcher or a person who prepares meat, tying a ham with string on their own can be an excellent exercise when practicing or learning how to handle this type of meat.